Encuentro del ecosistema tecnológico

A meeting to boost the development of women in technology

Chicas en Tecnología arranged a collective workday with leading companies in the STEM sector to move forward in the creation of opportunities for girls who start their journeys in technology. Paula Coto, CET executive director, submitted data on the gender gap in the sector and the challenges and opportunities faced. “We create educational experiences so that young women can grow in the technology field and have tools to open their way. Currently, the industry does not find professionals to keep growing. We can expand that, not just in numbers, but also to reduce gaps and diversities that were made invisible,” Paula said to begin the event.

The professional growth of young women was the topic that brought representatives of technical areas, Human Resources, and strategic planning together in an agreement and experience exchange morning to make the work teams that create digital solutions increasingly more diverse and inclusive. The different companies that participated worked in an interdisciplinary way to co-create and think about proposals of encouragement, support, and growth for young women. Miriam Frías, Chief People & Culture Officer at Shifta, shared a part of the organization’s journey: “Our goal is to work on a real inclusion that makes a change. We could not get some women involved because our profiles had many biases, it was very manly. We learned that this profile had to evolve, consider other skills, and become diverse. That was a big challenge for the company. We started developing the different types of talents and kept working during the process.”

Chicas en Tecnología orients part of its initiatives to building bridges with the technological work ecosystem. The goal is to create real insertion conditions for young women who graduated from its programs and want to continue their journey in STEM disciplines. This year, the organization launched new proposals for specific training in programming and soft skills and is building, along with the private sector, an environment that favors professional women’s continuity and growth in STEM in equal conditions and with access to rights.

The event was attended by representatives of Mercado Libre, NCR, Mulesoft, JP Morgan, S&P Global, Microsoft, Intel, Lenovo, BGH, Ualá, Shifta, and Edison-la.

More women, more development
Knowledge-Based Services (KBS), such as software development, foster the addition of new technologies, are activities of high added value, and make an impact in all the production sectors of the country. According to data from the Ministry of Production and Labor, KBS companies create jobs 30% faster than the average of the economy, are one of the most dynamic and constantly growing sectors, and increase their exports at a higher rate than the rest of the economic activities. Integrating young women’s talent, perspective, and potential into these sectors makes it possible to develop innovation, generate new solutions, improve processes, and add profiles to an industry in constant expansion.