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We are a non-profit, civil society organization in Argentina, which since 2015 has sought to reduce the gender gap in the technology entrepreneurship environment at a regional level.

Transform the world with your technology, wherever you are

Our programs are free and open to secondary-level adolescent girls from all over the country and the region. The girls are at the center of the experience and do not need prior knowledge.
There are options for in-person or online modalities.

Strengthen the ecosystem to promote diversity in the technology sector

We create initiatives in which various actors from society participate to generate a systematic and sustainable change that enables the gender gap in technology to be reduced.

Regional scope and presence all over Argentina. During 2023:


young women participated


technological solutions with social impact created


countries from the region involved


people reached on social media

Notable awards and recognition

Thank you for valuing our work!


We work together with companies, organizations, and communities from the technological entrepreneurship and educational environment.

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