Our work is possible thanks to our corporate and individual partners. With their support, we are on the way to reach gender parity in the technological entrepreneurship environment.
Digital investment with a focus on gender, especially on women, is fundamental for reaching equality in the region; to bring diverse perspectives to the leadership, innovation, and creation of the solutions of the future.
Through partnership work, we impact young women all over the country and region, as well as their communities and the ecosystem. We join and co-create with the companies and organizations through workshops and talks, and we generate spaces of exchange and joint creation initiatives to reduce the gender gap in technology.
Registries that validate the non-profit CSOs at an international level:
SAM, Duns, Ncage – Federal Government of the USA
PADOR – Cooperation Office of the European Union
CET was the only organization representing Latin America in the category of “Scientific Dissemination”, along with 5 finalists from South Africa, Ireland, Scotland, the United States and Italy.
to Melina Masnatta for years of working with Chicas en Tecnología in the fields of education, technology and social impact.
for our project “Building the talent pipeline for future generation of girls leaders in technology”
for our project “Inspiring those who educate to apply science education” was one of the 13 winning projects
On February 5, 2019, #ClubesCET were declared to be of educational interest by the National Ministry of Education, Culture, Science, and Technology. Resolution 2019-395-APN-MECCYT
Training of STEAM educators. by the Mendoza Province Chamber of Senators through their support for the reduction of gender stereotypes in technology.
for our project “Art, Technology, and Creative Programming to Lessen the Gender Gap in Technology”
CampusCET y CET, most innovative digital solution of social impact in Argentina
for her research Women Programmers to deepen and make information more accessible
The CET Women Programmers Report was selected for the international final of #EQUALSinTech,
to the TecnoFem program that we implemented together with the Secretariat of Equality and Promotion of Employment of the Government of Cordoba
Programming a Better World was declared to be of social interest by the Buenos Aires City Council. File 1816-D-16 of June 16, 2016
Our programs and initiatives are based on international agreements and methodologies endorsed by the entire region to guarantee its applicability in each allied country
We have validations at an international level: SAM, Duns, Ncage – Federal Government of the USA PADOR – Cooperation Office of the European Union