Día Internacional de la Mujer

Gender Equality for Inclusive and Transformative Technology

#8M – International Women’s Day

For this International Women’s Day, the United Nations proposed the topic “Towards an Inclusive Digital World: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality.” From Chicas en Tecnología, we encourage the visibility of the impact that the gender gap in technology has on societies and the importance of increasing diversity among the people who think, design and develop digital solutions that are increasingly cross-cutting in people’s lives.


To understand the present in which we live and transform it into a fairer and more inclusive place, it is necessary to have current and contextualized data. To this end, we create evidence on the gender gap in technology in order to influence the problem, share the information with the population and create a social commitment to cause structural changes. In 2022 we presented the research “Una carrera desigual: la brecha de género en el sistema universitario de Argentina” [An Unequal Career: The Gender Gap in Argentina’s University System], which surveys the participation of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers. The findings arise from the classification of over seven thousand university degrees reported by the Ministry of Education in response to requests for access to public information. The analysis addresses the period between 2010 and 2019 and focuses on STEM disciplines and the evolution of women’s participation in these areas. The report shows the persistent gender gap in careers linked to technology development:

• In Argentina, women represent only 34% of the student body in STEM disciplines and 17% of the student body in programming.

• Although university studies are expanding — the number of students increased 20% in 8 years — STEM careers are growing at a slower pace.

At Chicas en Tecnología, we work so that increasingly more young women who identify with the female gender can consider technology as an option for their training and professional development. The participation of women in all their diversity in STEM careers and in all areas where daily technological solutions are created and designed makes it possible to identify a greater number of needs present in society, create inclusive services and products, and lead scientific and technological advances from an enriched, diversified and contemplative perspective of the entire population.

Let’s transform technology and build fairer societies!

+ Learn about the main research findings at this link.

+ Download images with research data at this link.

+ Access the full research in this link.